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标题: 澳大利亚新南威尔士技术学院将为悉尼科技大学提供护理本科的衔接课程 [打印本页]

作者: 任假象拉扯りCh    时间: 2016-6-24 12:00 AM
标题: 澳大利亚新南威尔士技术学院将为悉尼科技大学提供护理本科的衔接课程
2 b0 [/ ~6 c. O4 k
& s5 {) T1 V- P! x6 F
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邮件主题:澳大利亚新南威尔士技术学院将为悉尼科技大学提供护理本科的衔接课程2 X% ^+ n7 g- ]& t1 Y6 }7 {

5 x, i/ y0 Q  [8 [' Z4 d2 M8 j! F7 q& B4 L$ X7 q/ X9 Y% l( u" C) R8 N2 c  K/ D" e2 S

1 b3 k" k0 N; ]8 P老师好
5 m0 i& k; ^/ V$ X3 X8 B- d ; w/ S! r- P- A* `
f8 e0 M: n) t $ {6 ^) f" |. Z8 m/ R
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! _8 F" K1 D, M澳大利亚悉尼科技大学与新南威尔士技术学院(以下简称 TAFE NSW)建立合作关系,TAFE NSW 将为UTS提供护理本科的衔接课程。" h; u$ w2 ^' e$ ]. z
! T( k$ j  [) S8 X( q: |, ?
( ~0 l2 Y8 G, t) T学生可申请SVP以及 UTS护理本科与以下TAFE NSW文凭打包课程:* V4 t: {8 U* u" U8 u- G2 W

* Z! G# K* t% z- B- K7 I+ C4 `0 |! H1 _" K% x
' V, z& V1 Q/ ?* o6 m
* Z; K/ a9 a: p1 r- A+ J2 O# A, \- H" y3 |  TAFE NSW (14393) Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled - Division 2 Nursing)4 G3 i0 ^/ I& I

8 Y" O' k! i* q0 H5 ?! d9 a7 \' B7 \$ h/ B6 z! ot. H TAFE NSW (S14393) Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled - Division 2 Nursing) Fast Track
" o- R' i5 _' G% @' U  t# E 3 F( u- y/ V. O  w
: I; }. b+ I( c! V' T: ^# T学生完成以上两项文凭课程中的一项后,可以转学分入读UTS护理本科课程。1 @( z9 g+ W/ m- E% T8 M: `/ E7 a8 l# S+ Q
3 h9 F8 L' Y" Z7 e. ]
& ?' K- ~' _: _/ V8 H
9 ?4 }( N5 r" i* x( |5 W , K. A4 T* y4 v5 m& ^3 s
TAFE NSW 文凭课程费用会因为校区、选择的文凭课程以及入读年份的不同而产生差异。9 j. s: ?3 `7 b; O: T; b
/ ?: z2 Z9 y7 I- X$ B
' e8 {# V) c: M# V ' u# F/ M" h: ?$ q
( [9 g3 f' t  y/ {; h " \- I( I  U0 O: e8 X1 Y- X
仅接受通过同时被UTS 和TAFE NSW授权的代理递交的打包offer申请。TAFE NSW招生部会受理TAFE NSW文凭和UTS护理本科打包课程的申请,因此请将所有的相关申请材料递交给TAFE NSW 招生部。2 c7 K1 S8 I% Z! r8 o: g8 V0 b# t5 ^# C0 Y0 L7 e1 E% A% l

& g/ ^4 K3 {# |3 r1 j8 }5 V5 m ; L4 M+ s* O' z$ U
8 j6 R' t0 \) U" T' m更多相关信息,可查看:www.studyintafe.edu.au
( [; {# F7 O9 h2 y
, G! |* O; [( u9 D) C0 U! G' O4 a( |4 R+ v, K" f3 m# F- A8 I( c

3 W' J! z2 K( k# c" m* eZ: y) ^9 R+ K9 s9 d- PT辛苦了!
0 @0 V" V/ ~; z
1 c& x' V! x, K& T- Q  |; \0 f$ j! e, ^/ H/ d3 N0 ?4 `. w6 d! t. K

' f$ g+ V5 b9 Y* v6 G. V* a+ S/ |# r% [以下为信息原文:' H4 ?9 Q! e9 Y7 E2 e
  G* V; X4 ?& ^! u6 ^" S: o " b7 r7 m2 {( V4 e2 s) B! U
, Z# S2 Q! E$ m  W' Z0 e5 v
& _6 O- m+ s: J1 E( w

8 l  J/ m2 t! U7 K" P& N! u: e2 B UTS offers new nursing pathway through TAFE NSW 6 P* }5 D: A! J; j4 W0 e' A6 |& ^8 F6 p7 s% L
1 H! s! V) r0 o$ p" t# f) A  ^
Dear Partner,
* U: ]% l+ g$ m( {
, I) }4 [. l* D+ C' W" e6 O8 y& Y. }4 |
) m+ ~6 [: o1 V# e# U
2 [  o2 d# G) M. ]; M6 z6 u* aL6 ]- E; m+ O* h; Y' SUTS is partnering with TAFE NSW to provide a new pathway into the UTS Bachelor of Nursing. / X- N8 c3 |' \

# f" s; f. r- t% O' `; u9 t% ]0 c1 k9 ga: I, G) r- I( Q9 \

5 I/ q0 q; l( a% [! z# ^* n2 FEligible students can apply for streamlined visa processing, and package the UTS Bachelor of Nursing with the following TAFE NSW diplomas: ( _/ K& m" {' v; F- L$ q) s' u; b) D- s# B9 [; e
+ b# [9 _( w1 c, g) P6 \
  TAFE NSW (14393) Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled - Division 2 Nursing)4 V4 D9 m2 ~  o) U
; D5 h# l- d, X, R
3 _I8 d4 c. V4 I* b( j& w  TAFE NSW (S14393) Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled - Division 2 Nursing) Fast Track- c/ G: j" k/ ?/ d( V! F
; W' w: M. t' I! U  ]( _
* C# L- N( S( P8 p( A3 m! v
6 I& ~6 V" l- c4 t7 [0 {3 r. d5 X- P4 {7 m3 t. t) t% zStudents who successfully complete one of these programs may articulate with credit transfer into the UTS Bachelor of Nursing.
/ r; _% a0 ]9 K/ }7 l" R" H
. n: ]( h& d" v- h( Q* ?" s7 _; o- k) G% ^6 b9 U+ {& P' [

- S+ ]8 }8 y% r, G0 q: l4 Z" r- }# yCourse fees with TAFE NSW will vary depending on the campus location, the Diploma chosen and the year of commencement.
/ J' `% a6 N3 p8 p) _# e
" _7 e. V" V9 \: \7 c! R2 ~% {" g! o+ s! K5 s7 s4 T/ l* \) w& W" _
+ c- `7 K) V. n& K# M
" n$ A9 `; @- D% IPackage offer applications will only be accepted from agents that are authorised to represent both TAFE NSW and UTS. TAFE NSW Admissions will coordinate applications for the TAFE NSW Diploma and UTS Bachelor of Nursing package. Please send all applications to TAFE NSW Admissions. + @5 u" I, R7 t% ^& n3 g0 M7 i
# f1 E9 b, L) ]( M7 i1 U
* B, XW, P$ B' u
+ ?3 H9 y2 I; A, S, ?8 p5 ]
6 o; i5 x; l4 l9 }1 \E+ P$ y4 r/ ^Please inform applicants about the option to package a TAFE NSW Diploma with the UTS Bachelor of Nursing and encourage them to apply. ; Q( {9 l/ m, \& ~6 A
0 W" T& a. Q+ z6 y& Q# p
N; d6 z7 p$ v* _* h# Y5 S1 Y% u) `) |3 S/ c0 f$ [
  s5 a! N* Y5 P8 Z( `2 {8 _" W
2 Q- z: `2 A0 {; a$ Z* D- {If you have any further questions please visit www.studyintafe.edu.au 9 Q+ A* \5 n3 x; l
7 r. P3 }: A, N  I) k" |. o 9 n1 v. S# o/ E: L; w& {
UTS is ranked 20th for Nursing in the QS World University Subject Rankings 2016. UTS: Healthstudents develop their practical skills with external work placements and clinical simulationsin our expansive facilities. Underpinned bycutting-edge research and developed in consultation withindustry, our degrees are designed to meet the future needs of the health industry. Learn more about Nursing at UTS by taking a virtual tour of our facilities and view our Bachelor of Nursing - experiences and expectations video.UTS InternationalPO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia1 q6 S; z8 f& A

" e3 E( a: E- ~: S3 _$ E5 S" }; p1 {0 ~& }% u' y7 m; t. Qwww.international.uts.edu.au+ ^/ r# b9 Y0 S9 S

. C6 h( W9 o+ }- v; V, q2 a3 L" \! }$ _UTS CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F
; [$ H! T$ g- g" W
% p; J+ n- g% |% @' I  p5 q$ D. c, [7 k4 Y- O% ^' u. S8 u; g$ n- S; F, Y" P. x
8 g) f( v0 S! h" ^: s2 k + t' o4 ~2 ?- N- N- E
TAFE NSW+ x' A3 @# f, l% p3 }) y% K
. H; z8 U8 u& ?7 g9 D- P; \, q% B7 W
# J" V6 J( I0 A) D$ O
: @3 x% _# o, H$ q% x4 D* G
$ i# n7 r/ Q6 V  M7 O5 _- F; B( t: _1 D' ETAFE NSW CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
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