ChineseAustralians Appeal for Peace in SCS
Don't TurnSouth China Sea into IRAQ
3. 南海是中国的 -The South China Sea Islands belong to China.
We are against biased arbitration.
5. 仲裁庭惘视南海历史事实
The Tribunalignorant of facts in SCS
6.太平岛是岛不是礁 !
TaipingIsland is NOT reef, but an island!
7. 反对外部势力对南海的军事干涉
NoOutsiders' Military Intervention in SCS
8. 我们热爱和平,不要动乱
We LovePeace not Chaos
9. 和平谈判是唯一的出路!
Peacefulnegotiation ,theonly way !
澳洲应坚持不选边站 -Australia - Don't take side.
10.安全的南海,安全的澳洲 - Safe SCS equals to safe Australia
11.. 澳洲不是美国的马前卒 - Australia is NOT America's deputysheriff..
12.. 亚太要和平,反对霸权!Asia Pacific wants peace, not hegemony.
13.. 南海要公平、正义,不需要航母 - SCS needs justice and fairness,but NOaircraft Carriers.
14..讲真相,求正义!求公理!Justice, Truth, Peace.
15..南海是和平海不是战场!SCS is a peaceful sea, not a battleground!
We supportpeaceful resolution of SCS disputes!