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标题: 每周六出发:十二门徒 / 企鹅岛 / 金矿等各景点 一日游报名 [打印本页]

作者: longway1217    时间: 2016-10-19 04:47 PM
标题: 每周六出发:十二门徒 / 企鹅岛 / 金矿等各景点 一日游报名
(Travel @ Michael)
0403710255, 03-52217510 longway1217@hotmail.com,dongyefei@netspace.net.au
Great Ocean Road (12 Apostles), Philip Island (penguin), Gold Mine (Ballarat)-one day trip; the cheapest price A$50/adult; 12 seats Mini-bus; Home pick-up service(some areas).
Contact Michael on: 0403710255, 03-52217510 or longway1217@hotmail.com
大洋路一线介绍沿途介绍(Routine one-Great Ocean Road)时间(Time) 7:30AM---9:30PM
Enjoy the beautiful Melbourne City and Philip Bay on West Gate Bridge
游览维州第二大城市吉隆市貌 /吉隆东海湾 / 着名的吉隆植物圆以及羊毛博物馆(成人$7.5 /$5.0);Visit Geelong City/Eastern Beach/Botanic Garden/Famous Wool Museum(A$7.5 or A$5.0)
See the famous surfing beach-Torquay (one stop of world surfing tournament)
Anglesea Golf Course and communicate with group of Kangaroos
途径海滨小城隆恩(Lorne) / 冲浪海滩 / 按格霍克州立自然生态公园 / 奥特维(Otway)国家原始森林公园等,沿途绮丽美景万千,尽收眼底!在雨林中,曲径探幽,寻找野生无尾熊(考拉)的踪影。 Pass through Lorne and visit Otway National Park(walk through bush and talk with Koala)
在知名小镇阿波罗(Apollo)湾小歇,享受纯朴乡村风情,品尝农家西式美食。Luch break in the beautiful Apollo Bay beach and taste local Australian food.
午餐后,观赏闻名遐迩的12门徒石(12 Apostles) / 洛克阿德大峡谷 / 伦敦石桥等海岸奇景之绚丽壮阔。近观远望,细细品味大自然的神奇!(12 Apostles and London Bridge)
俯瞰大洋路度假胜地坎贝尔港全景。(Look the whole area of Campbell city)
回程途径内陆小城科莱克,遥望克瑞戈米湖和一望无际的大草原。 (Pass the Clac City and enjoy the Crigmi lake and large grass land)
欣赏夕阳下的墨尔本浪漫全景,定令您陶醉不已!(To enjoy the beautiful Melbourne city at night)

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