1: 州际统一考试,区域性竞赛项目,以及获得校际考试或竞赛项目前三名或优秀奖的学子们(如各Council举行的征文或项目设计,每年Basic Skill统一考试的TOP5%,每年N.S.W University各科项目竞赛前三名或优秀奖,Westpac各科比赛,Olympic各科比赛或各大机构组织的比赛等);
Top 3 or high distinction, or top 5% achiever in state-wide, district wide competitions of academia (such as writing competition hosted by local council, Competitions of English, Math, and Science etc. organized by N.S.W University, Olympic Mathematics Competition, Westpac Mathematics competition, as well as annual basic-skill test).
2: 考上OC班,考上精英中学(selected school),考上大学并且UAI超过95以上,考上博士(P.H.D)的学子们;
Students are granted places for OC class, selected school, University with UAI
above 95 and P.H.D.
们(Such as high distinction, 杰出市民或青年,体育竞赛前三名,音乐,歌唱,艺术,演讲,选美等获得名次的)。
People are awarded for high achievement or in top3 position in any competitions, performances, events, contest which are publicly organized by well-known organization, institute, and government body (such as good citizen award winner, high achievement in sports, music, arts, speech, debating etc.)