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[转]去狗舍买狗狗 需要问的一些问题

pengzhao 发表于 2016-11-1 13:13:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Questions you should ask

Choosing a breeder and selecting your puppy takes time and thought.

Remember to ask questions such as these before meeting

your new family member.

Can we visit before deciding on our breed?

Why did you choose this breed and how long have you been involved with it?

Do you have other breeds or other litters available?

If we decide on your breed / litter, can we visit regularly before choosing our pup?

Can we see the mother / father or other family members?

Can we see all the litter together?

At what age can we take the puppy home?

When are the puppies wormed, microchipped and vaccinated?

Are there any hereditary conditions in the breed?

If so can we certification of results / scoring?

Can we have the puppy checked by our vet before we buy?

If any unforseen conditions arise, can the puppy be returned?

Take time making your selection as your puppy will grow into a lifetime responsibility and be with you for many years


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