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他的尾巴上有个很长的黑色长形斑点, 两只眼睛不同色, 找到他的时候脖子上有个彩色的项圈。也听的懂基本的指令。
希望他早点找到他的主人, 不然他会发脾气的!!!
a beautiful lost Siberian malamute boy is found at ashfield today around 2-3pm, scared,exhausted and tired.
having a bit attitude now without his home and owner.
found in ashfield around noon today wondering up and down the street in the rain wet and digging around. i saw him passing my place 4 times so i went out and followed him about 10minutes until i saw no sighs of an owner then i leashed him up and asked the neighbours but no one seemed to know where he belonged.
he is currently in safe and good hands as i own an alaskan husky girl but i am sure whoever lost him is missing him deeply as i would if i lost my beautiful girl.
he has a distinctive black line marking on his tail and he is a very handsome boy! i have put up fliers around the block and if anyone know where he belonged please let me know he is mildly wounded in the back paw which has been taken care of and he misses his owner dearly. i will send him to the vet and check his microchip next week if no one comes to retrieve him.
all he had on him was a coloured collar at the time i found him.
please contact 0404615493 if you know anything!!! 联系我时,请说是在天下皆知网站上看到的,谢谢!