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我的猫有牙周病, 牙肉有红边, 想带牠去洗牙, 有一间vet报价说: We charge $200 for a grade 1 dental procedure on cats. This includes anaesthesia, hospitalization, scaling and polishing the teeth. If any teeth need extraction there are extra charges.
It may be worthwhile coming in for a consult first to see if a dental is needed. The consult fee is $55.
Otherwise, a routine scale & polish costs $285 (including dental, anaesthetic and hospital). It's extra for extractions (which would then need antibiotics & pain relief). So, estimate $285-$385 in total.
有人带猫猫去洗过牙吗? 有没有好介绍? 联系我时,请说是在天下皆知网站上看到的,谢谢!