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东区newton近阿大南澳大学中央空调舒适大房,live with local

情缘今生 发表于 2014-5-12 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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A comfortable,lovely and safe place to live. It is generally a quiet place. The house is large with 7 large, fully-furnishedrooms, with reverse-cycle air conditioning, 2 large fridges, 1st-class front-loading washing machine, 2 ovens, 2 microwaves, 3rice cookers, pressure cooker, stand mixer and so on. There is wireless internet connectivity: ADSL2+ with 150 GB allowance.Near supermarkets, top quality fruit & veg shop, bank, post office, restaurant and department store. Shops are in walkingdistance.The available room is a double room. The room has a queen-sized bed, wardrobe, a large ergonomic desk with drawers andshelving, a clothes rack, two chests of drawers with shelving on top, 1 or 2 high quality ergonomic chairs,and there is stillplenty of room. There is also a waste paper basket, a desklamp, other things and an outlet for ducted r/c A/C.    Easy access to Adelaide Uni, UniSA (East and Magill Campuses) and RAH. We area bout 18 minutes from Adelaide University and UniSA  East via the O-Bahn, and you'll always get a seat on the bus. Using the O-Bahn during peak times is very quick. Only 7 bus-stops from Adelaide via the O-Bahn. Close to  the Paradise Interchange, the most popular bus stop that uses rails like a train. Very fast. H20,H21,177 is stop 23A. There are other buses available:H30,178,580.    My husband is a local mathematician, lecturer and software developer, and you can practice your English with him.    Couples have used this room and 2 singles have shared the room on many occasions. A previous couple lived here for almost 2years.We always have had a good relationship with nice lodgers. We welcome new people. BTW, no smoking.


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