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Interview feedback

Platinumaccg 发表于 2014-9-29 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Dear all,

Please join me in congratulating Shraddha in successfully securing a role as a Finance Analyst in one of the big 4 banks! She is our latest intern successful in securing her first professional role in the local Accounting & Finance industry in Australia.

Shraddha had prior overseas experience in similar roles for 5-7 years but as a migrant, it was really hard for her to kick start her local career here. After a few months of job hunting without receiving any feedback from the market, she joined our accounting internship in July, and it only took her 2 months of systematic training and internship experience to build her local experience in all the tax compliance and month end reporting tasks. Internship experience with us is the only local experience she had in Australia. She already had some financial analysis and wealth management experience before from overseas. Her new role requires her to analyse company accounts and assist in restructuring internal controls for the finance department. With our internship, she was able to build her local technical skills and seamlessly transition back into the accounting and finance industry locally.

It is really important to invest in yourself technically and be job ready when the opportunity comes knocking! Shraddha really gained a lot of confidence from the intern experience she gained as well as support from our senior partners’ interview guidance. She has been kind enough to provide us some feedback below as to how her interview process went and what her preparation was like. Hopefully, this will provide you some guidance for your future job hunting process.

If you have any queries or require our assistance with your career path locally, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Humam Siddiqi

Assistant Accountant


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