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I really want a job.

jinyi113 发表于 2009-7-8 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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I really need a job.My father and mother are in their fifties.I do not want them to worry about money.I am already 23 year old.I must have the ability to earn money.My parents should enjoy themselves right now;however,in order to afford me to study abroad.They have to sell a house.They have contribute a lot for me.The tuition is very expensive.I hope that I can pay the tuition by myself.I do not want to force my parents to sell their blood.I can do a lot of things,such as wash bowels,cleaning,tidy bathroom.I can also cook a few simple dishes.I have great sense of taste.I know what ingredients to put in and how much to pour into dishes.I always do housework like wash dishes,wipe table,clean the doors and door frames of all rooms.My advantage is finish the task perfect but not slow.I handle knowledge very fast,which means I learn very fast.I also react very quick.I can know what I must do in a second.I am able to remember what things are displayed in the place I am going work.That is an example that I work as a sales person in supermarkets.My oral English is fantastic.I stayed in Canada for a year.I have no problem communicating with my homestay family,who are all native Canadians.Trust me.I cannot do too much labour job,becasue I am a girl.However,I can do cleaning and waitress who introduce dishes,also a little bit of cooking.I really have the ability to accomplish family cleaning very well.In conclusion,conider these factors and hope that some employers will hire me.I really really want to afford myself because my parents are old.Please show some pity for me.I am sure that I will not let the employer wants to hire me feel disappointed.I promise.Thank you very much for your time.i hope that you will be happy every after.Good night.


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