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I am looking for a girl I met in a plane last year!!

blue511 发表于 2016-10-19 17:00:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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hello ,may I have u attention ples!! I met a girl last year(just after xmas) when we were in a plane on the way to SHANG HAI, we talked a lot , I was so stupid to forget to have her number, but what I only know about her are:
1. she is studing in Melbourne university on IT or web design
2. before she got on the plane ,she just get out from work as a waitress in coffee house.
3. she is from shanghai, and she cook and make delicious cakes.
4. no glasses
5. u may remember we both talked to an uncle who is from shanghai too and do cleaning business in AUS
6. I am in NZ ,studying on Architecture,with glasses.
this xmas is coming ,this days I just thinking about u a lot, we may meet again ,and any one may know her or may be I am so lucky to have u to see these words ,ples contact me ASAP: QQ:434620481,may be I will fly to buy u a cup of coffee, thank u very much!!!!


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