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Platinumaccg 发表于 2015-4-1 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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大型能源公司助理会计师全职职位成功案例 - Christina




白金解决方案:白金一级会计实习培训项目 & 白金面试培训课程




Hope you are all well.

We have some good news for everyone. Christina,one of our Brisbane interns, got a position in an energy company as an Assistant Accountant. She finished Level 1 and Interview Training. Initially,she enrolled in the Level 1 program and started to get quite a few interviews. She was still having trouble in passing the interviews well and also didn't have an interview strategy or methods of answering the more difficult questions.

Especially after the Interview training, she received plenty of valuable advice from our Senior Accountant.Two weeks later, she landed this position. She is so hard-working and never gave up trying in her job hunting journey. As written in her email below, being perseverant is one of her secrets to success in securing this position.

Job hunting is sometimes similar to walking in a tunnel, sometimes you feel lonely and hopeless. But, there is no need to worry, we will help you there and walk with you through the whole way. There islight at the end. Hang in there and you will make it!

From: C W c**@gmail.com

Date: Tue, **** 10:48:24 +1000

To: Zhu Sally sally@platinumaccg.com.au

Subject: Interview Feedback

Hi Sally,

I'm not sure if I can write a lot for the interview feedback as every interviewer asks different questions. It all depends on the nature of companies and job descriptions. (big companies and small ones are completely different).The interviewers most likely will ask questions pertaining to the job descriptions. What I suggest people do is know the job ad really well, and try to work out what kind of questions they might ask. For example, if the job description asks for a candidate with a high attention to detail, then you would think they might ask questions like 'tell me an example when you showed high attention to detail.'

Next, your resume is very important. It's the first and foremost stage in your job-searching process. I found Jeff's interview sessions very helpful. During the first session, he spent the entire session on crafting an resume that fits well with the Platinum training modules.

Lastly, just keep trying and never give up. Learn from your unsuccessful interviews. I know someone who has attended almost 20 interviews and finally landed an assistant accountant role. I really admire her determination and persistence. Also, there is no right or wrong interviews. If they don't like you it doesn't mean you are not good enough. It's just you are not suited for the role, and you don't want to work for a role you are not suited for right?




If you have any enquiries,please feel free to contact us!

Platinum Accounting Team



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