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To rent a room for Olympics in PeKing

liugcn 发表于 2008-3-19 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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To live in townsfolk's home to look The Olympics in PeKing,China.Give you an inequable experience.

If you planning to come to Peking in the days of The Olympics in PeKing,You can come to my home to live with me,I make ready a small room for you!there are double bed,a table,chair,bathroom,TV,internet......everything for live with ready.You can make food by youself in you liked.you will live as a real chinese citizen in Peking! you live with me,a real little citizen in Peking,The more important thing is we can talking about everything......you wont to know!

The room I prepared for you situated in soth of The Ba-Bao-Shan about five hundred meters,from here to The Olympics tennis ball field only one kilometre.

the rent is 1800 RMB(about $253) a day,to advance you come in.

Booked the room : liugcn@2trom.com; koktang@eastday.com

I will give you the photo of the room,and my Tel.number

The best way you write and speak in Chnese. My English is not good!



订房信箱:liugcn@2trom.com; koktang@eastday.com我会发去房间的图片和联系电话。


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