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大学内部助理会计师研究员全职职位成功案例 - Rolna
白金解决方案:白金一级会计实习培训项目 & 白金税务会计培训生项目
Dear everyone,
Please join me incongratulating Rolna as she has secured a new job position as a full-timeAssistant Accountant Research!
Similar to all new AccountingGraduates, she was trying really hard in job hunting.But without a systematic and focused Accounting training and internship workexperience, all her effort wasn't effective.
She finished both Level 1Accounting training/internship program and Tax training program. Now, afterPlatinum’s systematic local Accounting training and experience, she finally gother well-desired position.
Dear interns, if you feelfrustrated about your Accounting job hunting journey, please do not hesitate tocontact us. We, Platinum Accounting, will always be there for you and help youto build your successful accounting career. In this Australian accountingfield, you are not alone, you have us!
Build your technical skills,build your working experience, most importantly, build your confidence!
You will make it!
From: Yolanda Xiao
To: 'Rolna **'; 'Amy Wei'; 'Cindy';
Cc: 'Scarlet Wang'
Subject: RE: Thank You!!
Dear Rolna,
This is such an excellentnews from you!
I always knew that you willhave what you deserve.You are such a nice person, willing to learn, toask, to share and even willing to offer your help to other interns. I believeit is your strong will and Attic faith helping you to came so far.
As we all know, Accounting isan art with detailed personality and special care. I believe you have exactlywhat it asked for. Please keep on your momentum and you know there will be morewaiting for you in your Accounting Journey.
Also please remember:
We, Platinum Accounting, willalways be your mentor and your best friend in your Accounting Career Path.
Have a nice day!
From: Rolna ** [mailto:r**@gmail.com]
To: Platinum Accounting; Yolanda; Amy Wei; Cindy;
Subject: Thank You!!
Dear Yolanda, Jeff and the team
I am glad to say that I amplaced by L*** U***, B**** as Assistant Accountant Research on 7th ***. This is a significant achievement, and I thank you all for your hardworking efforts in achieving my goal.
I wish to thank Yolandaagain for your invaluable support, friendship, transparency and patiencein preparing and conducting the training and internship program. I Thank Jefffor the interview guide which has helped me face the interview confidently. Iwould like to Thank Coco for the excellent Tax training I received, both thecontents and standard of delivery was wonderful.
I liketo thank Humam and Amy for helping me all the time. It has been great workingwith you all! Thank you very much for all your help and support!..
R** S**
If you have any enquiry,please feel free to contact us!
Platinum Accounting Team
阿德莱德办公室: Suite 717-718, 38 Gawler Pl, Adelaide, SA, 5000 Tel: 08 8123 0933, 0422 992530 联系我时,请说是在天下皆知网站上看到的,谢谢!