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La Trobe UN 拉筹伯 kingsbury 附近求homestay寄宿家庭
一女生在 拉筹伯 念书 文静 没有坏习惯 想在
La Trobe UN 拉筹伯 kingsbury 附近求homestay寄宿家庭
要有8月份就能入住的 小房间 灯光明亮
工作日 晚6点到10点可手机联系 周末全天MSN: [email=ozzie_work@hotmail]ozzie_work@hotmail[/email] 谢谢!
tel: 八月10日前有效
A girl is studying in the La Trobe UN ,quiet and no bad habits.
She is looking for a homestay near La Trobe UN August(family host) .She want there is a small room withbright light.
Work days of the evening you can call me from 6 o'clock pm to 10 o'clock pm,and any time of the weekend is free.
MSN: [email=ozzie_work@hotmail]ozzie_work@hotmail[/email] Thanks!
tel: Effective before August 10 联系我时,请说是在天下皆知网站上看到的,谢谢!