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3 p) v+ A3 i, V) h: U
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/ K- K& L; b: i# N! \: e & a+ f5 r' T8 T
" v/ ~2 W" ]8 i' \( f微信扫码订阅澳大利亚留学生报 2 |+ V, W4 h3 _
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x% s6 J: V3 L4 g0 X3 Y
但是我本身是想留在澳洲的,所以对移民政策也非常关注。最后就发现了一些关于精算的问题。7 a8 X8 L! l/ Q3 R9 }! Q) n
首先,精算的职业认证需要1年的全职工作经验。那幺工作好不好找呢?带着这个问题,我潜入了澳洲当地的一个论坛。! C9 T# m/ l% u2 U r
" D+ X: ?& m% {) V楼主也是国际学生,他发表的原帖如下:Hi, I am an International student and graduating this year from Leeds University in BSc Economics and Finance with a first degree in the UK and I'm considering to get a master in actuarial science in Australia. Now the choices are ANU's 2.5 year programme, UNSW's and MQ's 2 year programmes. I am planning to get a master then to work for 2 years in financial industry in Australia and then apply for another master in Financial engineering in the UK or in the US. I prefer a quantitative job in financial industry, because I'm so bloody good at math and so terrible at literature. However, I chose the wrong bachelor as economics and this course involves too many "literature" things, which is not my taste. So which university should I choose to fortify my math skills in order to pursue a top master in the US. e.g. Master of Mathematical Finance at MIT, Berkeley, LSE or Oxbridge. Will ANU's world reputation bring me any convenience? Or will MQ's reputation in Actuarial field be better?, q+ ]1 [4 R) y. [; }# h
Can some one please give me some advice? I know very few about universities in Australia. Many thanks!
% A6 _) J# f$ j) Q4 N后面的回帖,暴露出了一些关于精算比较现实也比较残酷的问题:( I) l' n( D7 U, s6 {7 L* V
本站:澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ; I'm considering to get a master in actuarial science in Australia.+ C) o" J2 g% Q( ~* h k' B/ } t
4 I7 e9 W$ U% y8 C4 g本站:澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ; I am planning to get a master then to work for 2 years in financial industry in Australia- L! ?, m- K/ R# {. M; d a
Honestly you will struggle to land a job. A masters degree with no experience will make you look overqualified. The fact you are an international student will just make your situation more dire.5 I3 k& c5 q$ B, Q
本站:澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ; then apply for another master in Financial engineering in the UK or in the US.
& C1 l' r/ }7 e4 ~7 {1 C8 A& ?Why another masters? Why not apply to the US/UK first?
. p" j- m1 _% H5 R2 e( ~本站:澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ; I prefer a quantitative job in financial industry, because I'm so bloody good at math and so terrible at literature.
2 \( }( M: _, wBad news for you, even quantitative jobs require you to write reports about your results. I'm an engineer, a very quantitative discipline, but I do a LOT of report writing.
" `. j% D: x8 \* j, ~, G) P本站:澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ; I chose the wrong bachelor as economics and this course involves too many "literature" things, which is not my taste.
5 V7 O* V8 D2 u- U, Q. kUndergraduate economics is more about the underlying theories and knowledge. Graduate economics is more about maths and modeling. Either way, your quantitative skills are useless if you can't communicate what you did, why you did it, and what the results are.
( D4 B# e# i* M! x; Y/ ^% z3 d后面还有很多回帖,内容基本和这个一样。2 Y& X% e, J7 i; ]
& m# B4 M# o( ?( ^6 J本站:澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ; 如果选择精算,就一定要成绩好。读本科的要努力拿到honor年。, p+ j' P0 G. `, g
* E/ f% @' q* |; \9 L! N$ k! n所以,真实情况就是找工作很难,而且精算的就业面比较窄,也没有办法找相关职业混过职业认证,也没有职业年课程可以代替。所以没有找到工作就没有职业认证,没有职业认证就不能申请移民,没有PR就更不好找工作。。。这几乎是一个死循环。。
# G/ U C! \: _! K最后,) t z8 G: ]0 {9 ?2 n: g
本站:澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ; 如果打算回国发展,精算专业是很值得一读的,
9 `6 j/ h+ k2 X- i/ \尤其是墨尔本和澳洲国立,名气在国内大,回国发展只看名气就可以。如果打算移民,我的建议是谨慎考虑精算专业。
& H( \% E7 ]! g7 ^2 W=====2014.08.16更新=====' }' M8 p; }( e( d
本站:澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ; 特别说明一下,拿绿卡有两大前提. X1 p( s* e: ?% l G/ x( a! R: Q3 k
a' v3 r. k: ~/ O6 _$ r1 a本站:澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ; 只有在这两个的基础上,才考虑到移民分数够不够的问题。
1 c7 G/ z5 p7 d+ S$ V所以在选择专业时,一定要关注职业评估的要求。比如精算,要求1年相关工作经验,这个难度还是比较大的,而且没有像IT类可以用职业年代替的政策。
8 e% j3 }3 i* Y
. s# |- o, F6 a4 P全手打 求顶啊
8 ~- h, Y$ Q4 w |
T( l; ^$ J8 ^1 |9 R3 H很好的帖子,昨晚你还让我看呢。谢谢你分享给大家了~
4 D6 I. D2 O* K0 `( x4 A. I精算专业确实是很好的专业,但是第一年进入第二年的淘汰率就比较高
& g" i5 `5 A8 q- ^$ z9 Y你加油啦~
7 ^0 z2 j4 K8 ~* B+ ?- ], u |
7 `. u6 w6 R6 w: E$ U这个写的客观真实啊, 精算澳洲就业其实真不是那幺容易啊;
- a" ~' b+ q1 A& d* j8 W; @# d关键还是一定要 顶尖, 顶尖的精算师才受欢迎- S; E( K% M! F
) L3 e0 h- G T _这个写的客观真实啊, 精算澳洲就业其实真不是那幺容易啊;
( j8 y3 a$ E+ X% H' ?6 O关键还是一定要 顶尖, 顶尖的精算师才受欢迎 ...[/quote]??对,“顶尖”。
/ V2 d% V3 \3 X z0 U# E- c2 ] |
- `+ ?, R! i- F0 \, o+ E想要做精算师,不容易啊
4 A4 A) J$ L& `% r2 h" G4 J! A |
3 y. u% G! i" A+ j本文被判定为精品帖,已经加精华及高亮处理,并奖励作者20+40留学币。; Y9 g9 z4 c# [+ X
1 u! T9 t" A& T$ H. v& i7 n
本文被判定为精品帖,已经加精华及高亮处理,并奖励作者20+40留学币。[/quote]??太好了~~~!!5 B( n( i C5 ^: \+ r& |0 s6 F
! `, W3 n! b# ~- L9 [/ L+ R2 b( _& S
选择了,就是要做到最好,精算和会计归根到底是一样的,只有top的那些才是牛的4 s: _5 r# M9 u* L% Z+ Q- H4 B( e
, A( @5 R3 ^3 }9 Y- \* W( s% c' [1 s
看一下,以供借鉴~~ |