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We are the experts in recruiting qualified, professional and skilled people across a wide range of specialised industries and professions. We operate across the private and public sectors, dealing in permanent positions, contract roles and temporary assignments.
A number of employers now are now finding skilled employees to work for them on a full-time base and many of them are eligible for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) under which employers can sponsor skilled workers from overseas or even skilled temporary residents currently living in Australia.
At JB Employment, we believe the right job can transform a person's life and the right person can transform a business. We're passionate about connecting our candidates with the right job for them. We provide specialist expertise in the recruitment of permanent and temporary skilled and professional staff.
JB Employment Services
HR Consultants
Level 14, 1402/370 Pitt St
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: 0425 070 111
澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com info@jbemployment.com.au
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