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大家好,本人现在就读于墨尔本大学 生物医学系 3年级学生
目前在KT Education周末补习班授课,同时有3年的数学和化学辅导经验
愿意帮助 year6到year12的学生补习。同时提供辅导和练习资料。
I am an experienced mathematics tutor and i am able to help Year 6-Year 12 students who are studying Mathematics (including Mathematical method and Specialist Math) to achieve awesome marks.
I got the best marks in my maths subjects during my secondary school and achieved High Distinction in Australian Mathematics Competition in 2005. At the moment, I am studying Biomocular and Chemical Engineering at the University of Melbourne, which is maths and sciences based course. I can also provide some relevant career advice, exam preparation techniques, goal setting and how to become successful.
2006 ENTER: 99.50
2006-English: 42
2006-Specialist Maths: 48
2006-Chemistry: 47
2005-Mathematical Methods: 50
2005-Chinese First Language: 38
2006-Monash University Enhancement Maths- distinction
Contact No. : 0413924250
澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com steveweng87@Hotmail.com 联系我时,请说是在天下皆知网站上看到的,谢谢!