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* r7 c; h; J# E' N! lStreaking: a word of unknown origin, which denotes the act of running naked in front of mass crowds, usually at public events, and especially sporting matches.$ v( u5 s$ o3 ]2 j+ B
Streaking has become a common occurrence at Australian sporting events and has almost grown into an expected phenomenon every year. But why do individuals decide to undertake these ridiculous public stunts?! J6 ?& a8 x$ j) J" K1 z5 a3 ^+ f
Below are some explanations on why people decide to get their privates out just for the public.
5 s+ C/ x! o& }6 n- w+ c$ H) b“裸奔”(streaking)一词通常是指那些在大庭广众之下赤身裸体的行为,尤其是在一些公众活动、赛事上。
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2 E$ y8 J1 R; `+ W2 d下面我就来给大家分析分析原因:; F) J8 P- Z8 m+ K+ A5 n. C
8 |% `( z0 u/ ~" Q; e+ d! D% `1,一举成名
* p9 d% P% h* \1 O
& L+ y0 f6 K# g M+ RIn any sporting event there will be tens of thousands of spectators coupled with live national coverage. As a game of rugby or football carries on the whole nation is engrossed in a sporting wrestle.
, ?& X& p' B8 h5 f* I. `! WSo if someone were to streak across the field then this act of ridicule would be witnessed by the entire nation. Streakers have come to fame (or infamy) after their public stunts and very much enjoyed the shock value they have given the nation.* w6 J& F) A) ]/ m
In 1974 Australian man Michael O’Brien streaked across an international test rugby match and his legacy is forever engrained in an iconic photo of apolice helmet covering his genitals. To some individuals it seems that competing in sport is not the only way to fame.- z7 ~. w" q4 ~) {2 o
每逢体育赛事,总少不了数万名的观众和电视转播,比如橄榄球或者足球比赛就常常是全民关注的盛大赛事。如果这时候球场上蹦出一个裸奔者,那无疑是全国性的大新闻了。! q( C# }& m# W! Y, ?+ T4 k
( z. s; {( O! u3 w0 o/ u2 i1974年一个叫Michael O’Brien的澳大利亚人在一场国际性的橄榄球比赛上一脱成名,而一张被警用头盔挡住下体的经典照片,也让他在历史中留下了不灭的烙印。所以或许对一些人来说,在赛场上奋力比赛并不是成名的唯一路径。
) u! ^- n; b* z M 5 j8 ^, ~4 q5 t5 d
g1 R& h( w$ J8 V7 g! u' b(通过在重大的公开场合中搅局但又没有暴力倾向的偷袭者,有一个统一的名称:streaker。这个词的字面意思是:裸奔的人。
( o+ L3 s. H& t0 s) L& i7 ?* e这是因为在这种偷袭者中间,很多人都有暴露癖的倾向,都会选择以裸露身体的形式吸引关注。Michael O’Brien是streaker界的鼻祖,1974年4月20日,英国特科威南的一场橄榄球比赛中,Michael O’Brien在4万8000名观众的注视下全裸冲入场内,连观战的英国女王也目睹了这一幕。
7 Z% K6 ?; G2 _ f! i英国的皇家卫兵们将他押解离场并处以10英镑的罚款,第二天,他就被老板炒了鱿鱼。图为Michael O’Brien,历史上第一个在重大体育赛事中裸奔的streaker。)! N4 }. ]4 {8 A
- O1 o a5 [ k5 }+ \2 X7 e
2,叛逆文化& d- f; m4 F% J! R( {4 q/ f9 `
2 c# f' h5 J6 JSome streakers choose to run naked as an act of rebellion against sport. Australians love to immerse themselves in competition and it can often get quite heated when two sides come together. However for those who take little interest in sporting culture their act of defiance consists of getting their clothes off in public.8 o5 s0 }2 ^8 ]. `1 @
Streakers frequently occur in games of cricket. To some people cricket can be rather boring and the sight of a naked man could only make the game more interesting.
* G2 k( Y5 O5 l, u8 r5 RAcross all sports rivalries, traditions and fandom are prevalent which to some members of the public are considered trivial and pointless. To some the absurd act of streaking can highlight the trifle of sports culture., r+ T/ C' W1 n* O* N: ]2 ^
& m, ?0 ~: B5 y, D
x/ \* x4 l9 Q% V! B- D* L, V$ f4 A也有一些裸奔者是出于对比赛的反抗示威而裸奔的。澳大利亚人喜欢沉浸到激烈的比赛当中,当比赛双方支持者碰到一块儿的时候,场面往往剑拔弩张。
2 ?7 ?$ ^3 S! e. T而对那些不在意结果的人来说,在众人面前裸秀就是表达自己立场的好方式。这在板球比赛中尤其常见,有的人甚至觉得板球很无聊,裸奔只会给比赛增色不少。
9 \5 h9 T. q% w, `在各种体育赛事中盛行的传统和庞大的爱好者群体,被有的人看作是微不足道、毫无意义的,对这些人来说,裸奔这样的荒诞行径反而可以给平平无奇的体育文化带来亮点。
/ I7 E' f9 K G2 `5 s2 g
$ c0 s8 W" h, M3,酒精和同伴压力
1 w! L( C3 {, Z, w& G7 W( q$ x0 ~- \
And perhaps the simplest reason on why streakers occur in Australian sports is the influence of alcohol and peer pressure. Australians love to drink whilst cheering on their favourite team and when drunk the idea of running in the nude in front of thousands can become rather more enticing.
( J4 N. s& l* e" |0 C) I$ V8 W% cAdd that to the peer pressure of your mates and a wager: there leaves no choice but to get your kit off. When things get irresponsible and rowdy anything can happen. And quite often streaking happens. So the next time you’ve had a few too many at an AFL game – maybe don’t trust your mates on what they advise you to do. Or you may see your birthday suit on television the next day.: V0 o6 V5 y* }. J- n
2 u, |, ]/ R: ]# j. ^ * z7 q2 x. ?* O1 m* m) |3 q
' @% I- m6 l/ Y* E, U$ x% O) y5 r/ a! W
4 n2 z& }0 ^4 x( x7 l" Q当情况脱离控制,四周一片嘈杂的时候,什幺事都有可能发生,很多时候,就是裸奔。所以下次你要是跟一大群朋友一起去看澳式足球联盟比赛的话,还是别对他们“言听计从”了,不然可能第二天你就会发现,自己赤身裸体地出现在电视新闻上了。
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