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责任编辑 发表于 2016-10-19 11:08:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  建立在数学系的有! c. S7 f4 ~" B" O) d3 o
  Stanford University1 N) f9 S6 ^8 u: Y' [' t" w
  The Departments of Mathematics and Statistics" c9 t/ [1 G1 B, ^" U$ ~. A1 N
  MS in Financial Mathematics& W7 S+ P' Q7 o
. v- r7 N9 P+ u, I  University of Chicago' A) X9 m9 R6 i0 ^0 w* j
  Department of Mathematics
/ ]7 s* A+ h+ n& k) ]) L, y  Master of Science in Financial Mathematics- Z* s- B  k) }. T6 s$ W+ r
  http://finmath.uchicago.edu/) k* L) V2 U, a5 y
  New York University
, B# q# p% w9 v  ]4 S  Department of Mathematics
! ^% x4 ?% s  g( }  Master of Science in Mathematics in Finance
" W/ I6 L7 q9 W& D  http://math.nyu.edu/financial_mathematics/7 `9 k5 z  v" D% M& |
  University of Southern California8 }) S2 q8 C3 q$ q
  Department of Mathematics2 @4 W% ~: o2 Q" B5 K5 @9 i3 V% y! ?
  Master of Science in Mathematical Finance
& ?1 m  W1 C4 y# _% q  f  K  http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/CAMS/MF/; i) o0 R) C5 M2 I7 {
) K- K' w. ^& ]  University of Toronto
. T( I) x% D* q- j) l6 P  Masters Program in Mathematical Finance. x- {( z+ i1 p1 |, q9 x2 q
6 \4 H0 @0 |1 S" K  S  York University
2 g! @' [( L+ G  Graduate Diploma in Financial Engineering
2 G; w' G6 R- u( F. ~  ~  http://www.yorku.ca/fineng/
9 h$ T0 I3 S! K# v5 L) ?  英国的大学! ~1 l1 k" c" G) C& I9 i- i; k
  University of Oxford( k0 S( J3 Y$ G2 m
  Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
& r- [9 P3 D& V  D( q3 x3 Z2 |' L) O  Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematical Finance: f! y+ Z% @: @7 l
2 F- E. j. D. [$ Y. k/ z  The University of Edinburgh
# U& \) S9 F9 F& T3 x9 B  Management School
' G7 m4 m. f: I; ?8 R5 T7 t4 |  MSc in Financial Mathematics* K) c! f% `! J$ `  w) N
; i) f! H9 @! f5 g3 Q  在亚洲,新加坡已经走在了前列
/ l: X' {% \0 S: G) F+ a3 S# R  National University of Singapore# A( M, s4 J  h% Q- d4 {
  Centre for Financial Engineering
/ H" V8 L; T! }+ m+ X  Master of Science in Financial Engineering
* s+ \7 k) Y- U7 i  http://cfe.nus.edu.sg/msc_fe.htm, o, _5 E0 C- B9 a' F
  Nanyang Technological University3 _) ?3 F' V1 i- a( r* b! i
  Nanyang Business School.. v$ R: j& B4 b. G
  Master of Science in Financial Engineering, Z. c3 H) c( B
  http://nbs.ntu.edu.sg/Programmes/Graduate/MFE// T0 f( O0 b' N- ?) w* t6 P
  更多的,请看此链接 http://www.iafe.org/educate/fe_schools.ihtml


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