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DOI 发表于 2008-11-8 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
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Hi, very glad to see you guys here again. Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable thoughts about acct study & job hunting. I'm also gonna post more suggestions about study and interview skills later. btw, just wanna let you know that the Sunday class will start around 10am tomorrow (so we can have a good sleep tonight). We have a very nice new classroom in city now. It's situated at Level 1, 212-222 La Trobe Street, City (less than 2 minutes' walk from the
Melbourne Central Station). Topics for tomorrow will include payroll,end-of-month procedures, BAS/IAS etc. Please bring your laptop with you so that we can have more demonstration and practice in MYOB. There would be some challenging questions to refresh your memory about the topics studied last weekend. You can rest assured that you'll be more and more capable & "employable" as you make progress gradually. See you then! Cheers.


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