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jinyi113 发表于 2009-7-17 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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I really need a job right now.I am good at cleaning and washing plates.I do household chores when I am at home in China.I have the ability to finish quickly and wonderfully at the same time.It is really ture.I remember that I washed more than 30 eating applicants very fast.I also wash big plates right now.I am also god at sweeping floor,mop floor.My goal is to do perfectly.I admit that the time I required to clean floor is longer than washing plates;however,it will be very clean.I have experience in doing that.The floor in my house of China is usually hrad to clean.It is covered with dirt and questionable things,but I can finish the whole house,including the balcony that is filled with melted water in less than two hours by mopping the floor.To sum up,I have experience in washing eating appliances and cleaning the floor. I have time from Monday to Wednesday.I am sure that you will not regret hiring me.I just want to make more money,because my parents are in their fifties.

I am good at English.Do not worry about that.Below is my resume.

Name: Miss Alice Jin

Address: 51 Wales Street, Victoria 3055,Melbourne

Phone Number: 0434246620

Date Of Birth: November 13, 1987

Birthplace: China

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 148cm

Weight: 104kg

Martial Status: Single

Health Condition: Excellent

Hobbies: Playing Basketball

Education: Undergraduate:in 2008

   High school : from June 2003 to June 2006

   Junior High School: from June 1999 to June 2003

   Primary School: from June 1993 to June 1998

Curriculum and Grades:

Math: Pass

Chemistry: Excellent

Chinese: Excellent

English: Excellent

Physics: Excellent

Biology: Excellent

I have graduated from high school since 2006. I am really good at English. I achieved 5.5 on IELTS and 75(the total score is 120) on TOEFL when I was in Canada.I know pretty well about almost all phone cards in Australia,but not all.Moreover,I learn very fast. studied English when I was three. I am always at the first place in the subject of English. I stayed in Canada for a year. My homestay mother said that I was good at English. I really did. She is a native Canadian. I must say my English is a lot better than now.

Extracurricular Activities: Won championship in the 100-meter breast stroke swimming and the second place in the 100-meter freestyle when I was in the fourth grade, because the girl that attained the first place is much taller than me; attended group gymnastics in the eighth grade

Ministry Time: From Monday to Wednesday

Social Practice: work as labor vestry in the fourth grade

Rewards: won a burse when I was in the fourth grade due to I logged up good grades in English, I did not attained fellowship after primary school because they do not provide bursary.I passed College-Band Four, which means that I am qualified for a vintage from collegial. I bought books that are plied by postgraduates. I did not find it very difficult. My friends I met when I was doing my English major all hobnobbed with me because I am adept at English, indeed their classmates conducted intimity with me.I am studying Graphic Design now.I received good marks from the last two terms.I hope that you will give me a opportunity to demonstrate my abilities to you.Thank you very much for your time.


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