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I am an independent girl.

jinyi113 发表于 2009-7-23 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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I am a twenty-three-year-old girl.I am a very independent girl.I have been here in Melbourne for five months.I am good at cleaning houses.Nobody taught me how to clean houses.Self-taught.I am an adult.I should afford myself.I do not want my parents to suffer any more.They have been in their fifties.If you,dear employees let me try,I am sure that you will not be disappointed.I am a very honest person.The above I mentioned are not lies.I do not need anybody to be my guaranteeI am sure that I can accomplish house cleaning very well.I am also good at washing dishes.I can wash eating appliances fast and clean.Please give me a chance.Please have some pity for me.Thank you.I have classes on Wednesday and Thursday.I am free on other days of the week.I have the strong ability to bear suffering.I was in Canada fior year.I went to school by myself,take care of myself.I did very well.Although I am the only child in my family,I am not a flower in green house.I usually do housework when I was in junior school.I work hard in school.That is why I have good marks.I have a lot of advantages.You will notice from time to time.I am sick of being looked down by other employees,even my relatives.Have some pity on a poor girl.Please consider of hiring me.I want to be down in my knees.Please give me a chance.Thank you very much.


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