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Morley Drive ,Eden Hill 3房 2浴 草坪可停车四五辆 700平方 house还有两个房间招租

白面男爵 发表于 2013-8-20 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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联系人:陈电话:0414 251 560
网址:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com (澳洲天下皆知网)
QQ: 150142903 微信15014290

地址:morley drive east eden hill, kiara iga local IGA, petrol station, resturant, and chemist, close to Tokin HWY, easy to airport and perth city, close to Morley shopping center, 10 mins walk to bus station, prefers female, long term stay, simple relation, no


Morley Drive ,Eden Hill 3房 2浴 草坪可停车四五辆  700平方 house还有两个房间招租欢迎爱干净人士长期入住 房子是英式HOUSE 谢绝带宠物以及吸烟者本人生意人 从事礼品、文具、印刷、包装以及小商品等生意 欢迎朋友前来看房 看房请打电话 0414251560 最好加微信150142903a family home offers a double size bedroom and single room for rent in Morley Drive, Eden Hill, with lots of space and a small family to share with. with a walk distance to local IGA, petrol station, resturant, and chemist, close to Tokin HWY, easy to airport and perth city, close to Morley shopping center, 10 mins walk to bus station, prefers female, long term stay, simple relation, no pets, no smoking. all viewers are welcome!


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