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Platinum Accounting祝贺Pammie在国际Fashion Company获得Assistant Accountant职位

Platinumaccg 发表于 2015-8-12 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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这是她在参加了我们的实习后的第一个面试便获取的工作,同时她还从一家大型Recruitment Agent那收到了Payroll Officer的offer。最后她选择了Assistant Accountant的职位因为有助于她将来CPA的发展。


From: Pammie [mailto:p****@gmail.com]

Sent: Sunday, **** 10:36 PM

To: Cindy

Subject: Interview Feedbacks from Pammie

Dear Jeff, Cindy & Lee,

Thank you all very much for the impressive training and internship given and they really give me a much better knowledge on how accounting works in the practical world in a much more stuctured way.

As part of Platinum culture, I would like to share my interview experience with all the other members who really care about their future and want to make a progress. These are the questions that interviewers asked me:

·  Introduce yourself first

·  What accounting related jobs did you do before?

·  What kind of specific work responsibilities that you have and how(they asked me a few specific question regarding my stated resposnsibilities)?

·  What was your biggest challenge at your previous role?

·  Why did you leave the previous company?

·  What is your career expectation at this stage?

·  What is your Excel skill level?

·  What is your strengths and weaknesses?

·  How did you deal with high work pressure environment?

·  What is your hobby?

That's pretty much all the questions that I can remember and hope they could help other memebers have a better idea on how interview runs. All the best!

Warm Regards,



If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us!

Adelaide Office: Suite 717-718, 38 Gawler Pl, Adelaide, SA, 5000 Tel: 08 8123 0933, 0422 992 530

Melbourne Office: Suite 605, Level 6, 343 Little Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, 3000 Tel: 03 9917 2464, 0421 648 933

Sydney Office: Suite 335, 410 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 Tel: 02 9212 4703, 0473 115 600

Brisbane Office: Suite 2, Level 6, 138 Albert St, Brisbane City, QLD, 4000 Tel: 07 3210 0037, 0412 624 948

Perth Office: Suite 2, 544 Hay St. Perth, WA, 6000 Tel: 08 9325 8860, 0473 120 760


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