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mali_2008 发表于 2008-3-24 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
信息提醒:内容含有外部网址链接的均可能为盗号网站,请谨慎查辨信息真伪。涉及金钱交易的需小心诈骗! 任何涉及个人私密信息或联系方式不全,信息不完整的内容都要小心对待,谨防被骗。


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Dear compatriot:I am engaged in the EBAY sale for many years, be major in shoes and clothes. Because the EBAY ID of China is inconvenient now, so I think I want to find some compatriots to cooperate. As long as you are interested in EBAY,It is a very good part-time job for student of abroad. Along with the upsurge of the expenses increases, the work opportunity is few, so the EBAY can alleviate the pressure of large student abroad. Mostly national students only can earn USD 75 for 8 hours-40 pounds of income, also need to pay tax. You need no money to do an investment. Take out 1-2 hours everyday enough. Send the picture that I provide on the ebay, to reply customer's mail, after the forced sale is over, you accept a payment, I send out the

goods, so everyone can earn their own benefit of mutual benefit.In the whole process you need not worry about any risk. The purpose that we cooperate is to make use of you well. Create some profit ,don't have other beg.

If you would like to sell on the ebay, please contact me through the mail or MSN. Email:Jason_mall@hotmail.com
澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com MSN: Jason_mall@hotmail.com
Yahoo! Messenger:

QQ: 497781987

The reply is a kind of virtue, , thank your support!!!


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