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Temora, NSW 2666

Mimiwu5588 发表于 2014-8-12 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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A Bilingual Financial Investment Assistant Adviser Wanted

We are seeking a qualified, self-motivated and high performing employee to undertake a range of financial investment responsibilities.

The Role:

Report to Financial Controller at Redwin Farming Trust. Your primary responsibilities are to investigate, develop and implement financial plans, and to advise on strategic investment and taxation implications, securities, insurance, pension plans and real estate.

Duties and Responsibilities included but not limited to:

?    Collect financial, accounting and investment information and prepare for budgets, reports, forecasts and statutory returns;

?    Integrate funding sources, government investment policies to identify business opportunities domestic and overseas in agriculture;

?    Monitor and analyze market changes and the Trust’s financial status, provide suggestions on financial options against any possible risks ;

?    Liaise with current and potential agricultural business partners and investor (especially Chinese-speaking investors ) to advance our financial investment to add more business values to the Trust;

?    Review and suggest on updating finance and investment plans based on the fast changing agricultural market needs;

?    Recommend and arrange insurance cover for the Trust;

?    Rent, buy and sell properties under the Trust' instructions;

?    May arrange to buy and sell stocks and bonds for the Trust.

Skills & Special Requirements:

?    Excellent communication Skills;

?    Fluent in both English and Chinese;

?    Well presented;

?    Attention to detail;

?    Strong interpersonal and organization skills.

A tertiary qualification in Business, Accounting, Finance, Economics or related areas is required for this position.

If you want to work in a positive environment and feel you can make a contribution to our team then this role is for you! Please submit your resume and cover letter to Angus McLaren angusmclaren@millerandjames.com.au .


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