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男 就读于泰勒学院(莫纳什预科) 吃苦耐劳 勤奋好学 有较强的交际能力希望能在业余时间打一份工
虽然我没有什幺工作经验 但是学习能力强 一般的工作都能很快的上手
假期不回国 可以做长期工 平时晚上6点后可以上班 周末可以全天
I'm a boy studying in Taylors College(MUFY).
I'm hard working and good at learning. Also I am good at communicating. Although I do not have working experience, I can learn how to work quickly and well.
I can be a long term worker because I won't go back home during the Christmas vocation. I can work after 6:00Pm at weekdays and the whole day in weekends.If you have interst, you can call me for further information.
My mobil phone number is 0421105178. Thank you! 联系我时,请说是在天下皆知网站上看到的,谢谢!