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Chinese TAI CHI is healthy and Relaxed Sport which is better and more useful than Pilates and Yoga.
Chinese Kung Fu Martial Arts better than Karate or Taekwondo. Chinese Kung Fu is famous all over the world like Jackie Chen or Bruce Lee.
Famous Martial Arts kungfu Coach Wang from Shanghai of China will teach in Paramatta and Bankstown...
Ph: 0412409901
TAI CHI Class: $39.99 at 3pm on Saturday Ollie Webb Reserve Paramatta
Personal Training : $49.99 at 2pm on Saturday in Ollie Webb Reserve of Paramatta and 10am Sunday at West Terrace of Bankstown or
Booking on Weekdays at Bankstown or Campsie or Milson Point station or St leonards station or Sydney City
Master Wang also can go to your place to teach and discuss the fee... 联系我时,请说是在天下皆知网站上看到的,谢谢!