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randull 发表于 2011-5-6 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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We are seeking experienced and qualified ESL teachers. ESL Teachers report to the Principle and are responsible for conducting teaching, delivering assessment and maintaining records in accordance with the requirements of 21939VIC – Certificate III in ESL (Further Study) and 21940VIC – Certificate IV in ESL (Further Study).

Staff involved in the assessment of the program must meet the requirements of Element 1.4 of the AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration; that is:

Assessors must hold:

TAASS401B Plan and organise assessment,

TAASS402B Assess competence and

TAASS404C Participate in assessment validation

TESL/TESOL qualification requirements:

?  B Ed with TESL/TESOL as a method

?  Diploma of Education with TESL/TESOL as a method

?  TESL/TESOL within Graduate Certificate in Education

?  Graduate Certificate in TESL/TESOL

?  Graduate Diploma in TESL/TESOL

?  Appropriate Masters degrees which include a TESOL specialisation such as:

o  Masters of Arts (TESL/TESOL), Masters of Teaching, Masters of Applied Linguistics

Please send your resume to benluoiim@gmail.com


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