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马凯特大学part time phd回国留学生学历认证?

q1573992426 发表于 2016-8-5 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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. Z% G, L( B0 P3 e3 x: W, @* a0 k您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?立即注册. d; e6 n0 q5 g9 ^- T
0 J: ~+ j! V7 G3 w  _. V
$ r9 ?6 J& G3 H0 t8 C, D$ ~$ J

" r, H9 A6 S% a8 X7 b0 v8 M$ _. d

/ n% r  ?7 P' q/ i0 r- r ' K# y! W" ]+ J9 c# x4 |0 v

3 _2 T  J7 j# T3 _ $ s* h0 n$ S- q/ y7 I) C
x. V: h" {, }: @& p
Students return to apply for recognition of qualifications is a very troublesome thing about some of the experiences of qualifications, and share with you:0 F9 R- e/ k5 B; T* l- c

! ^' w6 `3 m: e& XSpecific measures for repatriation of qualifications and detailed steps to graduation
& ]2 I9 B5 t* o0 m, x' q" G
  X' }5 a, Q" W  DA, first of qualifications to fill the online application form, if not proof, then apply to return first to go online to download the form. Fill in the pay table to wait a month before you can start to do academic qualifications.) N, X' G8 ?6 {, d: ^* ^6 k

% h! a6 p6 J  f; K! J9 hSecond, the point of inspection to verify the selected application materials and pay the certification fee applicant submitted online application form, typically in two business days (excluding weekends and national holidays) received within the system to send via e-mail mode the results of the pre-trial notice. Applicants must be prepared to receive notice of "prequalified" in accordance with the notice content-related materials, held as soon as possible and a copy of the original application materials to the selected point inspection to verify the complete application materials, scanning photos and applicant countries ( territory) outside the academic degree certificate original pay certification costs.
! u, b; A6 t4 M5 C- q2 \" A; v1 } . P, v) n2 E, _) G* L$ j6 |7 o
1. Students studying foreign academic degree certificate application shall submit the following materials:' V3 ]& P- d) U1 V) m6 A
: Y" a, d! k. g; n2 g$ F
* A small two-inch or two-inch passport photo (black and white or color without hat);
% w0 j2 j6 j: {8 o3 k# t! l
  r4 I5 X2 f+ E( x6 w* Passport while studying (visa and immigration records shall record all of the copy; if the passport has been handed a request for units issued proof);
4 Q$ ~# l: S9 V) V/ s6 d; `
" L/ V8 }% J' p; s6 a* (Translation of the original degree certificate containing the required certification or diploma originals) of all original degree certificate or higher education diploma obtained abroad;
: U9 ~9 G8 G; t0 |+ E: e" j 8 l4 S% L% R0 z9 C) o/ o7 V
* Studying abroad during all official transcripts (including translation of the original members); research degrees overseas winner, without a transcript, the school must provide proof issued by relevant research;% D# E) O/ e1 [0 F
0 ?& h0 k, M' j! w/ ~
* Chinese embassy (consulate) issued "returned overseas students to prove";6 I$ f& s8 A$ }

8 u0 q3 }$ n3 W1 n( Z3 C* Master's degree recipients (including Masters), the original thesis for examination, and provides directory papers and summaries;
  h9 N, X4 I, w. m0 u4 {/ k4 _( a
7 J; R* k* F; d& |. n2 I3 `* Before leaving the final proof of qualifications (foreign master's degree recipient, such as pre-school education for college shall submit all proof of work experience prior to admission; doctorate recipients, such as pre-school education to graduate (excluding graduate students) the following shall be all work experience before submitting proof of enrollment or certificate of title)./ A; D: |2 J9 S6 Z' X

; |$ |; }( z4 a' G* [. mNote: * All text and materials shall submit a copy of the original inspection.
6 e7 {9 ]2 n0 Z, O- h0 E
3 c# Z! G# T% r, |8 \& G3 ?* Foreign material, such as a degree or diploma original certificate, transcripts while studying (research studies show proof of degree recipients) shall be subject to professional foreign translation agencies for translation. Shall provide the original translation.
, o& j7 }8 _3 t: k
; H( J+ M" o8 }5 X6 r6 Q" o6 ~5 IFurther material provided by some countries is somewhat different.* X+ X9 W: T8 q* Q8 n, S3 Y4 p
( {: n" \" _. ~
* Obtain a degree certificate in Russian-speaking countries, the need to provide proof of matriculation.
2 Z! y4 F- c6 v7 @+ T7 o . c- K7 F) n6 M3 f; O& g# ?! N
* Made in Japan doctorate thesis, it is also required to provide proof of studies, degree application and other related materials.
1 r# V. W  j. B+ U 3 N) g' X% }  ?1 h) ^4 z
* Learn to obtain a degree certificate in the United States who, during their studies or transfer such non-student status is converted to a student, the student must provide to prove their identity materials, such as i-20 lists.. s! \/ ~9 u$ v# E  _, k

% y& d9 t4 s+ a) S+ [# M6 J7 G8 k* In Canada returned overseas students are required to submit a student visa (study permit).2 I: n/ _. T9 ?" |6 ^
- L' j; s, s3 G4 x9 x
* Obtain a degree certificate in the Philippines, the need to provide the Philippine presidential palace, Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the certification and other related materials.
' y/ q! x! b$ a9 N' s( n * D( l0 I* u  u
* At the end of their studies abroad, but only to obtain a degree of proof issued by the school, not yet received a diploma, the need to translate the certificate and transcript.- x. H& C7 l  t. u. {9 p

! Q, w% f1 w/ ^6 A6 J
- x! ]8 C; R1 y; N7 M2. Foreign material provided by the applicant, such as a degree or diploma original certificate, while studying transcripts (research studies show proof of degree recipients) and other foreign-related professional translation agencies subject to translation, the applicants themselves Translation invalid. Shall provide the original translation.# ~0 ^2 m) e/ S' I9 H

: F* a* v( g/ l3. Ministry of Education Service Center after confirming the application materials (including the original translation) complete, clear and complete scanning uploaded material the applicant has to pay certification costs, will officially launch the certification program and will notify the applicant by e-mail mode.: \$ G2 }# v1 p0 ]- Y+ _
/ a1 t5 e5 y" x# r2 M; a
4. Non-certified application materials will not be refunded.7 F& M: Q$ L" L% a
1 U9 {0 ?+ o2 s) T3 \% ^
5. Because the applicant providing false result can not be certified, application materials and fees are non-refundable. Ministry of Education Service Center will be providing false materials in an appropriate manner the applicant online publicity and inform the employer.
& f2 f# K# Q! l; e$ K2 m2 `- l8 b2 R' B / }  J! S( K) p9 A6 b
6. Certification fees and payment methods:$ a5 Y( W2 q9 k
, |5 l* ]2 S) b, L% _/ |
1) each country (territory) outside the academic degree certificate authentication fee is 360 yuan;; N8 X* c0 z( q. v

) a7 [& P) w8 [+ K7 H2) Applicants who simultaneously apply for accreditation two or two above the country (territory) outside the academic degree certificate, each costs of executing the first press charges.2 Z/ o. @/ `. b: ], I) h5 J

9 b9 o. i8 c( v2 f5 g& hThird, after receiving the authentication result except a few complex cases, the Ministry of Education Service Center for Scholarly certification process can generally be officially launched in 15 working days (excluding weekends and national holidays) within issue a written certification results. The applicant will then receive an email or phone call, while the Ministry of Education Service Center will soon be transferred to the authentication result verification points selected by the applicant (if the applicant selected verification point is not in Beijing, excluding mailing time in 15 within days). If you choose to personally receive the Ministry of Education Service Center, please hold valid certification documents and invoice payment.5 k6 t  b" p( E3 H$ L- E
! u; j" s8 {" e3 i( V1 o, T
The peak time of a general certification down to 2-3 months and to be expedited, and there are many problems will lead to certification will not pass, I will answer for everyone, first wrote it so much, what problems can be friends add my user name, we hope to help everyone.& v; G/ [- N4 p4 o6 T, O6 {
+ i: F# i& B8 N4 e, T; R+ h
Of qualifications: "returnees" Job Pass
" F2 i; Q! W# ]$ P) B  E% R' S4 U/ e8 g
8 |) \7 O# r* y  BReturned overseas students must see! Students returned to the Ministry of Education degree certification Raiders, @+ Z; J  U- G: `
. q. x; X& g0 ]9 `' a* C

0 P1 \6 I. I# L, [* N  m: G4 FNow more and more students returning from overseas, there are more and more people need school-bit certified me as a "veteran", here to share with you my experience, I hope you can be patient and read, make academic qualifications become simpler! Two months ago I just handled their degree certificate, two months and that he will continually help students submitted a few (in fact, very simple agent), it can be considered the experience. Now the experiences and problems I encountered sent to write here to share with you, hope to help a bit.
2 l# T: {- z; A% p0 U" h# h- T/ c
, w7 U( [: W# C8 S1 oWhy apply for a degree certificate?
4 t0 l- k2 ^  ^( c" g8 a4 G 4 t5 v8 O8 K2 m. h
Students academic degrees and certification is not necessary to apply for some formal state-owned enterprises, foreign enterprises and institutions, government agencies, this is essential, that is, your degree studying abroad must be certified through the national recognition after China can play a college degree and the same effect in many areas of employment, welfare, insurance, title and real estate.1 b" d! N& U* _; E4 X8 f' @

% x+ N1 h6 G) U" qFirst we must first log in Ministry of Education Service Center web site - Chinese study network, there is a degree certification column (far right in the navigation bar) above, we should always pay attention to update information on the site, for example, you need the original graduate degrees prepare abstracts, now it is not necessary. I need to prepare something for everyone listed here, and in turn to explain.& ?6 k( i; O+ O" S. R
# A5 d. V0 i: V5 c' B

7 N3 Q2 F: H5 z; |. v0 u+ z
: v2 [4 X9 `# r , J4 d7 U+ X, h3 ~. I0 u
Materials need to be prepared:
9 }+ O  O- o& d, q/ Z 2 V% R- C- i$ I" O
1. a two-inch color passport photo;; H; y  z5 H0 h7 H: d
2 s! _0 m4 W, e' J. T5 @% z
(This goes without saying, you can print it out yourself, just check out how much is 2 inches on the line, to the camera shop camera at every turn three to four, or yourself relatively affordable, and you want to have a few a few.)
4 O! G8 S% k5 p6 T5 h# P  I
# P. H$ U4 L9 c1 |, n2. All source language diplomas obtained abroad or higher education diploma original and photocopy of the original;* a1 Q" f! w$ n# E, }
5 @7 g, [9 ?8 C
(Here that little melody, and even some students still do not understand to ask me, say what is the source of the certificate of language, in fact, your original degree certificate.)4 e: R+ m( B$ P2 C: P

( z# ]- x7 `: b* y$ u  ?3. The need to complete a degree certificate, official transcript and a copy; research degrees overseas winner must provide the official letter issued by the school and a copy of the original, letter concerning the study start and end dates, research direction, the degree-granting and other information;" j+ B8 N9 k. l# D
3 J7 @6 a. ~; G
(We need to provide your degree certificate and transcript of the original and a copy, together with cross up, the original study abroad service center will return to after authentication.)8 q4 U; o. g3 j

! v9 [9 c1 z* h( m# V! f4. Certification of foreign required certificates and transcripts (research shows) the Chinese translation of the original members (subject to formal translation agency (company) translation, Personal Translator is invalid);
7 L1 E2 h2 i( h
' G2 m) Y$ F4 G1 ?8 T; Y " a! m: \& h5 b7 `. k) l# n
5. All applicants passport (including visa records and immigration records of all study period) and a copy of the original study period;* V/ c8 Y. j) r; c

" W$ l4 v. n% _" x4 p/ g2 e! `(When the certification is to prepare a passport. Visa information to see inside, mainly to see if you are not in school during that time stayed inside the country. If you lose a passport, it is a way.)
# R' b" b) j' E! F
1 d* |. {$ f" G3 h) q ) h4 `3 \: ]: P: ^% {
6. Chinese embassy (consulate) issued "returned overseas students to prove" original and photocopy;  `) ]+ K9 x- a% }
0 w# |2 t$ K# ^, z+ d0 J
(This is a relatively many students worry about things, there are many students come back forget issued, and some even have a 2045 graduate. I'll explain to you the following solutions. According to the latest notification of the Ministry of Education Service Center, in 2008 before graduating students without the issuance of returned overseas students to prove there is no longer issued, but graduates in 2008 after returning home if there is no proof to fill open study to prove.)
9 i. e8 s9 G8 R! [1 R7 ?/ Z9 B 2 A, N+ A3 F0 ?& O1 V

* ^0 e  X. C- ~3 c7. Finally, before going abroad Higher Diploma and a copy of the original.$ {6 D- k9 |' W! t* U5 l0 |; ~8 v7 C
. h$ b; _) |0 S# N6 o# m; Y
(The term "higher education diploma" refers to the high school diploma, for example, undergraduate degree, graduate degree, not a high school education. That is, if read in the domestic undergraduate, postgraduate qualifications back certification, authentication only take college-level education. If undergraduate abroad read, then not used to produce any high school graduation certificate. we last diploma is generally high school or college, if the country's ultimate education college, then in foreign undergraduate and graduate diploma can not only certified certification undergraduate graduate degrees;. If it is read in high school to go abroad, the domestic qualification for the final of the junior high school, the authentication undergraduate degree or graduate degree, the school must be accredited degree)# V* W2 q$ t/ R3 m! g
, A4 p- t' A. Y3 _& s

; S2 q, z# P6 k' vFor more details, please consult the Q Q1573992426 WeChat 1573992426


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