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4 T p U% `; m0 U" ^! M& @ r微信扫码订阅澳大利亚留学生报
! N9 q. h+ _2 N$ r0 t7 i: a7 h
4 ~( @. F& p0 l9 D7 bx
; T7 N9 l" d/ v V) A5 [, z14种新州的纸质车票将在9月1日后取消!!!包括火车周票、季票等14种类别!!!
! I4 }% M/ R, F, \9 ^好在单日单次和单日往返没被取消!
. c8 G) n5 d5 k- o" q8 ` j*车票在9月1日之前买的,将继续有效。
0 _! |- F' e) z$ HTickets no longer sold from 1 September 2014
) X/ Y! [+ o; d4 C$ F; J( k( V: JFourteen (14) of the old paper tickets are being retired from 1 September, meaning that you will no longer be able to buy these tickets. C$ a9 G6 ~5 F/ }3 X2 ^. X" S
Tickets bought before 1 September will continue to work as usual, so you can keep using your tickets until the expiry date.
' w- r& a2 R% qAfter 1 September, customers will need to use an Opal card or they may choose to continue using a form of paper ticket that is still available; w3 q1 \( E+ C- N/ J( s
The following tickets will still be available to purchase after 1 September. These tickets will be retired progressively, following the successful rollout of Opal on buses and light rail and with the introduction of the Opal Gold Senior/Pensioner card and Concession card .
9 |! D3 W- N4 B: HOAKHILL:强制用opal?. U! C9 p' o2 c9 n- f0 p$ T; a
stxytanpal 卡对于我们来说没有折扣,已经试过一周了。; D4 L* b- g* x2 g/ Z- ?0 u' s
findcaiyzh:变相涨价了。/ p ~2 f8 N2 U% m
$ A% x; d, t# c# B& brainy118:黑,真黑。逼我晚上出门散步刷卡阿!
5 V" F9 J! C- O( ]* A# @9 D' ~# ~ljr668:邻居就是火车站卖票的,告诉我他们12个人被裁的还有4个,不幸的他失业了。
) w- ?6 @3 r+ G9 E. s* h; x; ?$ Xdonotgo:这是逼人用Opal啊。问题是我每天要bus转火车的,用Opal根本划不来扣2个trip的钱,只给我算1个journey,变相涨价50%了# L1 z8 J2 m6 g5 w3 ` A
mandysio:不是吧!我坐火车很多时都是OFF-PEAK. 唉……什麽都涨价…) v6 Y- d( _' q: a5 b6 ?
xyouc:取消"Adult Off-Peak Return"估计能赚不少
: w! j5 i3 @9 q8 K5 U) r 联系我时,请说是在天下皆知网站上看到的,谢谢!