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reginafifi 发表于 2014-7-19 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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& y, o  j4 s* g" F注册后获得澳洲留学DIY申请辅导,下载本站所有申请及雅思材料!

' }4 L5 e: h6 d. j您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?立即注册
7 a- O# X' q( ^- D% q 3 ]$ `+ a# ^' S# r2 }& V% r
' v( u4 y8 D+ S+ U, u
6 y! h5 z$ z+ p- b/ K, x
3 g% m! J" S* x/ y+ y5 i/ q

4 {4 H( c  Y# y7 i. f, p6 N) O5 q

1 M! n4 F, _& @# t! L9 l
# P) u; S% o1 |2 w1 x- L0 s  Ax
% V4 M2 y1 w& C! o& V* J14种新州的纸质车票将在9月1日后取消!!!包括火车周票、季票等14种类别!!!: }9 `3 \7 J9 H& t+ a( t
好在单日单次和单日往返没被取消!: \2 s8 q- d/ d: K5 z8 o. ^
; M! c& x- M% o8 ?" cTickets no longer sold from 1 September 2014; i7 k7 e" {' T3 L7 S, x
Fourteen (14) of the old paper tickets are being retired from 1 September, meaning that you will no longer be able to buy these tickets., l4 `; }# D) h5 T
Tickets bought before 1 September will continue to work as usual, so you can keep using your tickets until the expiry date.5 I# Y, |1 Q6 x
After 1 September, customers will need to use an Opal card or they may choose to continue using a form of paper ticket that is still available
3 `* }! h& ~' TThe following tickets will still be available to purchase after 1 September. These tickets will be retired progressively, following the successful rollout of Opal on buses and light rail and with the introduction of the Opal Gold Senior/Pensioner card and Concession card .
, @  o& b- Y( Y+ d7 BOAKHILL:强制用opal?
3 h) L7 i+ \/ X6 p0 qstxytanpal 卡对于我们来说没有折扣,已经试过一周了。
1 P  ]  l; {6 \% D2 R2 y* Y, ]findcaiyzh:变相涨价了。, _7 r8 a* j- t4 B
我是小德:我去,相当于涨价15%.凭什幺不让买纸票。8 p, j2 v# h: g6 v6 k
0 w3 `  u- h9 Y9 _: _- [* o0 n- ~8 Jljr668:邻居就是火车站卖票的,告诉我他们12个人被裁的还有4个,不幸的他失业了。
6 I9 b5 _1 M2 Ndonotgo:这是逼人用Opal啊。问题是我每天要bus转火车的,用Opal根本划不来扣2个trip的钱,只给我算1个journey,变相涨价50%了9 j* K; [0 n, D( s8 P
mandysio:不是吧!我坐火车很多时都是OFF-PEAK. 唉……什麽都涨价…0 V: M3 ]9 o' K3 m* S/ R
xyouc:取消"Adult Off-Peak Return"估计能赚不少; s, N0 C0 E7 A8 w( W


amoegosu 发表于 2014-7-19 01:22:17 | 只看该作者
- R  f- F: K" e- H1 m
我晕 这个消息。。。
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