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2 ?4 n7 s; Z# j* N* i( m1 K微信扫码订阅澳大利亚留学生报
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邮件主题:澳大利亚邦德大学CoE押金要求变更`3 g6 VR$ J$ K
5 T, i$ U. [3 J* m1 }9 J : v. u0 W0 X3 K: I0 j% x. }9 w) Y: {
) }' a" p8 L+ m |+ B/ @& i) t, e4 @& r4 _0 d大家好:' F( R5 H' H+ ?, m
, z% O3 K* C' Q: H
Q2 l7 }% a# @. p' G, EP澳大利亚邦德大学CoE押金要求变更情况如下:6 T* b# [5 H0 A7 t! s8 d; B- r
* o+ P& T1 |1 p" U9 v: T/ N' [! A# D9 d: U 3 K0 n. J" ]- E* c( {, A6 U
, |0 n/ x5 b3 _/ B8 a - U3 |9 J( N8 B# {! `. r( [: w0 j
1. 拿到打包offer的学生不再需要支付第二项课程中一科的押金。学生仅需支付第一项课程offer(除了签证、海外学生医疗保险(OSHC)和学生活动会员费)的押金,就可以接受打包课程中所有的CoE。比如,学生拿到了Foundation 和 Bachelor课程的打包offer,只需要Foundation课程的押金就可以接受所有的CoE。另外,第一项课程offe中的OSHC是针对整个打包offer的。q0 F( z0 s2 e' v8 O7 U9 ?- k+ F+ F% @- D/ S5 F
/ f! L7 z, ^: K) N
2. 需要去邦德大学英语语言学院Bueli就读的学生,在接受CoE前仍需要支付Bueli的相关押金。6 D1 o' S9 e* U4 w9 l" G
- h0 K6 {) G, r
; o+ A+ R/ o; k) l, D! u1 wS! v, n" ]6 J' Q7 F: ]* t+ N% V/ Z$ A4 f: q
& y' x2 B! F& q/ d详情可查看一下原文:" P! H2 u6 S0 @; i4 e Z( n
# e4 K, k7 q6 @" w4 R" y* ?) R* f4 {7 x, f* w9 Z* B- d* |6 [. I
5 m2 s/ z; {9 S4 T
8 M$ {9 F1 Y0 M6 z/ c4 b; mBond University Change to Desposit Requirements Update4 O! N3 [2 E( o7 ]& N1 m" [
9 ^! l5 ?& P& K4 [
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$ ?; b: l: |0 m# W% ?0 d7 h! h: n' y0 A1 tr1 b; I: a0 ^! P( l: h
1 R, M& m+ t k5 E# IDear ,* a J3 t& j3 Q+ b9 s8 h7 L
6 b* e# ` N! y7 D% q3 p
' F$ V$ b* i" J4 @# w, p7 O3 m7 }In the interests of streamlining our processes we have made a change to the deposit requirements for International students to receive their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).
1 \% z0 o# x: X1 T + O+ T$ U- q& `: \
4 e" n/ U4 B+ x5 v; N8 nx9 K2 O6 o( P0 w}* S) S8 {]
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}3 D" ?1 K9 DProcessing changes:
- U) b1 e( b0 F# A. s/ p
{" B$ b: ]8 @( Q, y2 l7 K2 K+ \# b. V- v2 ?5 e/ q9 O1 mStudents on a package offer will no longer be required to pay a 1 subject deposit for their second program.These students can now pay the deposit outlined within their first offer (in addition to the visa length, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) and Student Activity Membership fee) and receive all CoEs in the package.For example, a student on a package for a Foundation and Bachelor program would only be required to pay the relevant Foundation program offer deposit to receive both CoEs.The OSHC on the first offer will be for the total package. Students studying at the Bond University English Lanuage Institute (BUELI) will still need to pay the relevant BUELI deposit to receive that CoE.Please note the arrangements for sponsored students and Scandinavian and North American students using home Government Financial Aid have not changed.( l' s' Y# ]" c. |( s 联系我时,请说是在天下皆知网站上看到的,谢谢!