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ammi tax invoice 问题

ponding627 发表于 2016-10-17 02:13:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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请问这表示什幺呢? 回函后可以退税吗??谢谢
helen ponding627@livemail.tw

AAMI wants you to avoid having a GST liability on any claim we settle for you. You will have a liability if you are (or someone else is) entitled to a GST credit on this premium and you have either:  

1. Not told us; or 1. Not told us; or  
2. Understated that entitlement. 2. Understated that entitlement.  

The information we hold about your policy tells us that you are (or someone else is) entitled to an input tax credit on this premium of 0%. The information we hold about your policy tells us that you are (or someone else is) entitled to an input tax credit on this premium of 0%.  

If this information is not correct please complete the following statement and return it to AAMI in the enclosed self-addressed envelope provided. If this information is not correct please complete the following statement and return it to AAMI in the enclosed self-addressed envelope provided.  

I am / we are/ or someone else is entitled to an input tax credit on this premium of _______ %. (eg If you can recover all of the GST, fill lin 100%).  

Signed __________          Date  __________


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