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迪肯大学现在推出一项旨在吸引优秀学生的奖学金计划,只要成绩好的人均可以申请申请条件:本科或者硕士课程的申请人,必须成绩优异,雅思成绩符合要求4 N+ A1 ?3 D: k
0 s# K7 W9 \' {7 d+ `8 c0 j/ ~申请截止日期:2007年11月15日,12月9日开始发放offer, 12月20日必须确认接受奖学金。" N% |6 ^# j1 I% k
申请方法:请向迪肯大学的官方代理澳大利亚澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ;《澳大利亚留学生报》微信订阅号:HiuniAU 。,二维码帖子地址:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com/australia/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4510 在线顾问索取申请表。6 @( m! A$ a6 I
SCHOLARSHIPS: |2 R4 |' q9 z7 A4 r6 Z8 f1 g
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The scholarships are for $5000 per year for the length of the course. They will be awarded to the applicants from around the world for all coursework programs bachelors and masters who have the best academic grades from their previous studies. Only students with high academic achievement in their previous studies should apply.6 s: w" v" G/ `, u' g1 G/ \) ^( Z- o9 @
Applications close on 15 November. 联系我时,请说是在天下皆知网站上看到的,谢谢!