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Bly Management Accountant above role (Level 2) Training&Internshinp

blyaccounting 发表于 2013-12-10 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Dear everyone,

Happy Year End. Through the whole year,


Have you imagine to become a Management/Financial Accountant soon?


Have you imagine to become a Financial Controller soon?


Have you imagine to increase you salary to around $100,000 per year?

Let's help you to be there! - Bly Accounting Level 2 Accounting training and Internship Program.

Our last round of Level 2 training 2013 is coming Mid of Dec! The training will take 4 consecutive days from 13/12/2013 – 16/12/2013. You are all welcome torepeat one more time in future if needed. Time table will be available once you contact us.

By the end of the training program, you should be able to achieve an advanced level of Excel and be capable of performing most high end accountingtasks, such as business analysis and budgeting.

Level 2 training is suitable for you if you are in one of the following groups:


If you are applying any position use SAP/ERP system to manage the accounts;


If you are looking for an accounting job in large listed company;


If you are studying toward your CPA/CA and need to find ajob related to CPA/CA work experience;


If you are targeting Management Accountant/Financial Controller position


If you tasks need to perform advanced accounting duties


If you are currently working in small to medium firms who are seeking to move to large organisations

If you feel like one of these people, please do not hesitate to contact us regarding our level 2 training & internship.

Please refer below for more details,

You will automaticallygain 6 months Internship working experience to complete the entire program; Also it allows you to fast track.

You will also be able to obtain SAP, budget, forecast, cash flow and modelling etc. related technical skills and experience and be able to answerinterview questions on these topics. It will strongly boost your resume and interview performance.

The cost for level 2 is including both training and internship and can be paid by instalments; if you only interest in trainings, there is another price (Please contact us for details).

This level 2 training takes four days whole day training and internship is forup to six months and can be fast track.

Please contact us on 03 9667 0194 or 0421 648 933 if you would like to enrol into level 2 training.

We only have very limited seats

in level 2 training so please enrol ASAP to secure your seat!


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